
David Sandu - Focus Designer at Autor 12 by David Sandu

Link to the official interview: http://www.dautor.ro/focus-designer-autor-12-david-sandu/

Link to the official interview: http://www.dautor.ro/focus-designer-autor-12-david-sandu/

David Sandu will launch his new collection Barbie of Willendorf at the 12th edition of Autor 12 - Contemporary Jewelry Fair (November 1-2 2014 at Casa Universitarilor). A jewelry and sculpture installation that will bring together two opposing images of women, claiming a collection of pure silver jewelry, crude finished without stones or other fireworks. Forms clear, minimalist, geometric, apparently rigid, in which the arc and angle as negotiating their primacy.

During the closing gala, David Sandu will also award the Assamblage School of Contemporary Jewelry Award to a promising designer.

Simbiotica - a sculpture and jewelry exhibition signed by David Sandu by David Sandu


Shape? Detail? Sculpture and jewelry.
An attempt to eliminate contradictions and a look towards the natural world of tolerance.
Simbiotica is a visual speech about tolerance, reciprocity and complementarity. David Sandu applies in the exhibition one of the most paradoxical ties of nature, by bringing together sculpture and jewelry, sometimes seen as two different artistic expressions. Returning temporarily to large sculpture, the artist uses it as a space for the presentation of jewelery, creating a symbiotic connection of the mediums.

David Sandu is an artist who expressed himself so far in the minimalist, geometric and non-figurative register. The designer has accustomed us with sculptural jewelry with speeches about shapes, materials and techniques that demonstrate their interdependence and complementarity in the same time. A new idea is added to them, through the direct association of sculpture and the registry of organic forms.


The Simbiotoca exhibition was organized by the "Socitetatea de Maine" Association and funded by the National Cultural Administration Fund and was opened from the 25th to the 30th of October 2013 in the atrium of the French Institute of Bucharest. Starting from the 8th of November 2013, the exhibition will be displayed at ArtXpert - Fine Art Gallery, Bucharest, Romania.

See the virtual tour here.

David Sandu at the second edition of EXTINS - Romanian Jewelry Designers Exhibition by David Sandu

For the second time, the creations of several young jewelry designers are brought together in an exhibition-event called Extins, unique in Romania. This year's edition will take place in one of the privileged spaces inside Carturesti and can be visited between November 18 to December 2 2008.

Given that we are used to discover jewelry only on  store shelves or simply worn by admirers of this kind of accessories, an event such as Extins is designed to extract jewelry from its commercial context and it highlight it as a contemporary art in installations made by artists. This is the concept of the event itself, which involves the transgression of the object from its commercial to the artistic depiction. The exhibition aims at familiarizing the public with contemporary jewelry and implicitly encourages artists who have channeled their creativity and resources in this direction.

Selection of 2008 covers the following artists: Mihaela Tarhuna, Carla Szabo, David Sandu, Kuki Constantinescu, Angi Apostol, Mihaela Zvîncă, Ana Claudia Crişan, Vlad Gherghiceanu, Elephant, Kristina Dragomir si Radu Fulga. Their works can be admired at Cărtureşti in the second half of November, after a curatorial script, whose author is also the developer of Extins - Dan Piersinaru.